Picking-Up and Dropping-Off Students
Parents and caregivers of Wilfred Hunt School work hard to protect their children as they come to and from school. Please help us to keep all of our students safe by not stopping in our NO STOPPING ZONE in the front of the school. This area is reserved for our school busses. Vehicles are encroaching into the crosswalks and this presents significant danger for students and families using the crosswalks. Our Safety Patrol is working very hard to assist students in the crosswalks and at times, motorists are driving unsafely. U-turns infront of the school are NOT allowed and carry a $280 fine. Parking enforcement officers and Regina City Police have been notified of concerns and we appreciate their involvement in our community to keep everyone safe. Please continue to encourage and teach your child to use the marked cross walk to ensure their safety.
Parents and caregivers should NOT be coming into the staff parking lot at any time for pick up or drop offs. This area is for staff only. Please park or stop in the designated spots further on Mayfield Road or on Green Meadow Road.
Safety is a shared responsibility and we appreciate your efforts and support in keeping everyone safe.